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What do we offer?

Academy offers comprehensive mentoring services that can be customized in quantity and content according to the goals of each of our students, so that they can submit a perfect application to US universities. Mentoring primarily takes place online, with the exception of the first consultation, which takes place in person.


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Columbus program

Discover the Columbus Program, an exclusive mentorship initiative led by Ivy League undergraduates to help Hungarian students get into elite universities in the US. We pair each student with a mentor aligned with their unique aspirations and academic interests, with whom the student will develop an Action Plan.
This plan is a comprehensive roadmap tailored to the student’s goals and target university to help develop an appealing admission portfolio to maximize the chances of acceptance.
To help realize these plans our mentors are equipped to assist students in various areas with personalized mentoring sessions, including:

  • Extracurriculars: Developing passion projects, engaging in research, participating in volunteer work, securing leadership roles, and finding summer internships.
  • Academics: Preparing for the SAT, and language exams, assisting with research, and strategizing coursework.
  • College Applications: Crafting a tailored college list, navigating the Common Application, and refining supplemental essays.

To embark on your journey with us, schedule a complimentary consultation

logo of the SAT preparation program

SAT preparation

As colleges abandon their test-optional policies it is more important than ever to have an outstanding standardized test score. Our SAT preparation services equip students with a competitive edge. By creating customized practice tests and curated lesson plans, our expert tutors collaborate closely with mentors to support students as they work to earn their goal test scores.