Your American higher education journey begins here!

Welcome to the website of! Our organization was founded by Hungarian students who study at the most prestigious foreign universities, such as Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and many more. Our mission is to use our own experience to help future Hungarian students in the admission process in US, UK, or EU institutions.

Our team

kalmararonangol (1)
Kondor balázs angol

Why us?

Peer connection

One of the unique aspects of Academy is the opportunity to work with mentors who are around the same age as our students. This allows our mentors and mentees to form a strong relationship which allows them to work effectively.

Learning from success

Our mentors are not just familiar with the process; they have successfully navigated it themselves. They are current students at some of the world’s most prestigious universities, which means they have firsthand knowledge of what it takes to gain admission. By learning from those who have “made it,” you benefit from their experiences, insights, and strategies, giving you a competitive edge in your own journey towards university admission.

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